When we look back at various PR trends, we realize not a lot has changed. With influencer marketing and analytics, PR is still going strong. Best PR agencies in Hyderabad and India are running powerful and unique campaigns to help organizations perform better. Different technologies and platforms are in play, and PR is only expected to go up.
Here are some PR trends that are sure to dominate in the future and the best PR agency in Hyderabad and India follows:
Data Importance with unique content
Do you know how much data is generated worldwide? More than 2.5 quintillion bytes of data! The amount of data sphere in reference to data analysis is estimated to grow to 5.2 zettabytes by 2025. Now that digital content is famous, best PR agencies need to be smart and have to produce more engaging content. The future will see digital campaigns running as never before and these campaigns will reach relevant audiences. With this, the focus of PR agencies in Hyderabad and India will be to generate visible online presence for clients.
Niche and specialized PR gaining popularity
Businesses and organisations are expected to be more and more particular about which PR agencies they hire whether in Hyderabad or in India. This places some amount of pressure on PR agencies and professionals. PR agencies will be expected to have a very clear understanding of markets, international and national along with cultural aspects. Hence PR agencies in Hyderabad and India need to be aware and active to support big brands and gain their trust. Every PR professional will have to perform an in depth research of the client’s business and organization.
Meaningful engagements will create buzz
Although we live in a digital and technological era, the best PR agency in Hyderabad and around still need a human element to remain out there. Best PR agencies will look to hire professionals who can create meaningful engagements- from developing relevant content to conducting and hosting events that people can perfectly relate to. PR agencies will need to create content that is unique and extraordinary for clients to trust that they are different.
Unique and new Content to surge sales
The need for content never gets old. According to statistics, at least 47% of sales are by buyers who have viewed many pieces of content before engaging in sales. Thought leadership has seen a growth of over 8%, right from 50% to 58%. In the near future, PR agencies in Hyderabad and India will feel the need to consider every aspect of their clients’ social and digital footprint. Online interviews and social media short videos continue to be famous and are only expected to grow. Content will always need to be relevant so that the right audiences are targeted.
Importance of micro influencers
Micro influencers are within reach and hence can gain more popularity. Brands are realizing the importance of connecting with micro influencers and hence increasing audiences. To ensure successful outcome based campaigns, micro influencers can help. The best PR agency in Hyderabad is capable of connecting you to such influencers.
Crisis communication
It is said that on an average 49% of the image of a company depends upon the reputation of the CEO. If a customer comes across a negative article on the front page of the search, it is sure to hurt the business. Stats reveal almost 20% of business can even be lost. You are at the risk of losing more than 70% of potential customers with four or more negative articles. Crisis communication in PR is sure to gain more importance. PR agencies in Hyderabad and India will work assiduously to create action plans to help organizations during the time of crisis. Maintaining reputation in the market is crucial and PR agencies with crisis plans are sure to be famous.